A visit to the heart of immersive photography (by S-quive)

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01/19/2025 | 10:00 - 12:00 | Espace LOUD


He has captured portraits of Pharrell Williams, Natalia Vodianova and Mica Argañaraz. After scouring the backstages of Paris fashion week, streetstyle photographer Meyabe immortalised his most memorable shots in the book Life in Paris, with a preface by Loïc Prigent. Building on this experience, he is now working on two ambitious projects... Such as the photographer and director Claudia Revidat, finalist for the Picto fashion prize in 2023, who has created a warm visual poetry based on her encounters with the tribes of Ethiopia, the Maasai communities, the Kogi of Colombia and the Marias of India. A singular imagery that didn't escape the Photo Vogue Festival.

Speaker : Meyabe, Claudia Revidat