(ON REGISTRATION) Fashion and Impacts Workshops (with Conscious Fashion)


09/10/2024 | 11:30 - 12:30 | Forum IMPACT and Neonyt Paris - 7.2


A collaborative and educational workshop created by experts in eco-responsible fashion, based on the principle of the Fresque du Climat.

Atelier Mode et Impacts aims to raise awareness of the impact of the textile and fashion industry on the environment and on living beings, and to present eco-design alternatives to create a more responsible and sustainable industry.
The game is in two parts: the first is a pack of cards to be linked together by cause and effect during a collective intelligence workshop, to create a visual representation of the impacts. The second set of cards is dedicated to concrete solutions for eco-responsible production and consumption throughout the product value chain.
Playful and creative, the workshop invites participants to rethink current models for a responsible transformation of the fashion and textile industry.

Conscious Fashion is a Qualiopi-certified consultancy and training organisation in the field of sustainable fashion and luxury.
Founded in 2020, we aim to support, train and inspire talent in the clothing sector. We serve committed and desirable brands in the systemic integration of their CSR issues, their sustainability as well as their environmental and social impact management.
