Responsible Fashion opportunities between France and China

ConferenceIMPACTReady to wearSociétalSustainable

09/10/2024 | 10:00 - 12:00 | Forum IMPACT and Neonyt Paris - 7.2


Moderated by Hélène SARFATI LEDU (founder and associate of French Bureau, the responsible fashion experts)

Guest speakers: 
  • Amélie LANDMANN (International Project Manager at the Comité d'Echanges Franco-Chinois)
  • Renaud PETIT (Editor-in-Chief of THE GOOD GOODS)
  • Aurelie BERNARD (ADEME)
  • Bruno BENEDIC (Director MOD'SPE)
  • Jing WANG SCHMITT (founder of ECO Impact)
  • Liang ZI (TANGY (Chinese eco-responsible brand in Paris)