Environmental labelling: a lever and an opportunity for sustainable fashion (with FGH, ADEME and EVEA)


09/09/2024 | 11:00 - 12:00 | Forum IMPACT and Neonyt Paris - 7.2


  • Thomas Busuttil (Fashion Green Hub)
  • Solène Postaire (EVEA)
  • Maurine Poirier (ADEME)
  • Léa Gillet (Trace for good)
  • Benjamin Hooge (Later)
  • Muriel Aubert (Printemps)

Fashion Green Hub is an association of fashion and textile companies committed to a rapid sustainable transition. It produces collective solutions for more sustainable, ethical, local and innovative fashion. https://www.fashiongreenhub.org/l-association/

EVEA supports organisations in assessing the environmental and social impact of their products, services or activities. https://evea-conseil.com/

ADEME: Agency for Ecological Transition: https://www.ademe.fr/